Day 6

1 hour JKD/Self Defense training
1 hour Savate kickboxing

1 coffee
yogurt and berries vanilla Tim Horton's
Handful of almonds
10 glasses of water
1 chicken breast BBQ
2 Sausages BBQ
Mixed vegetables
Starbucks medium Ice coffee unsweetened
2 small yogurts
1 small sandwich (on English muffin, chicken salad, slice of Havarti, 1 piece of bacon)
small Orzo salad

Personal Victory
Avoided having a Tea in the morning and had water instead.
I ended up going to 2 martial arts classes tonight rather than just one even though the gym was f'in hot!

Trying to avoid the second caffeine drink in the morning so I didn't have a tea. I'm trying to up my water intake so I had water instead.
I'm trying to add more protein for breakfast so I added the almonds

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